Carmi High Class of 1983
Jamie Youngman
Well lets see, got married as a youngster to a Carmi girl, lasted as long as a fart in a wind storm. Stayed single for a long time because of it. Moved to Memphis, TN in 1995 to start over. Worked my tail off to get ahead and started a DirecTv retail store in 1997. Worked all over the US doing fulfillment work for DirecTv. One of my employees had a sister stop by with him before they went canoeing and I said who's that. he said no...Anyway we started emailing jokes back and forth and the next thing we are engaged. She is a great girl and I wouldn't trade her for anything. This year is our 6th anniversary, time is just flying by. Oh yeah , I had a small set back last Oct. During my normal Sunday routine of working in the back yard I started getting a bad feeling in my chest. I hid for about an hour trying to hide my pain from my wife. After that I couldn't stand the pain any longer. I said you might wanna take me to the hospital. Sure enough I was having a heart attack. You believe that. I am good now, actually probably better than I was previous. I have always participated in every sporting activity that arises, just like I did when I was younger.I graduated high school @ 185 lbs., have never been over 200 lbs. It just goes to show you that it can hit at any time. I have spoken with a lot of you and also found a couple of others with heart problems. Sucks getting old. I will fight it to the end I can tell you that. Stay healthy people....My myspace page is